Different Locales

Turning this date picker into another locale date picker is as easy as changing the locale prop. For other features like minimum and maximum dates, just use them as you would normally use:

Using Predefined Locales

For now, there are two predefined locales; en and fa. You can use them by passing them to locale prop as a string.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import "react-modern-calendar-datepicker/lib/DatePicker.css";
import DatePicker from "react-modern-calendar-datepicker";

const App = () => {
  const [selectedDay, setSelectedDay] = useState(null);
  return (
      locale="fa" // add this

export default App;
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "react-modern-calendar-datepicker/lib/DatePicker.css";
import { Calendar } from "react-modern-calendar-datepicker";

const App = () => {
  const [selectedDay, setSelectedDay] = useState(null);
  return (
      locale="fa" // add this

export default App;

Using Custom Locales

If your locale is missing in predefined locales, you can add your own custom locale by passing a locale object to locale prop. This is an example of default English picker's data:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import "react-modern-calendar-datepicker/lib/DatePicker.css";
import { Calendar } from "react-modern-calendar-datepicker";

const myCustomLocale = {
  // months list by order
  months: [

  // week days by order
  weekDays: [
      name: 'Sunday', // used for accessibility 
      short: 'S', // displayed at the top of days' rows
      isWeekend: true, // is it a formal weekend or not?
      name: 'Monday',
      short: 'M',
      name: 'Tuesday',
      short: 'T',
      name: 'Wednesday',
      short: 'W',
      name: 'Thursday',
      short: 'T',
      name: 'Friday',
      short: 'F',
      name: 'Saturday',
      short: 'S',
      isWeekend: true,

  // just play around with this number between 0 and 6
  weekStartingIndex: 0,

  // return a { year: number, month: number, day: number } object
  getToday(gregorainTodayObject) {
    return gregorainTodayObject;

  // return a native JavaScript date here
  toNativeDate(date) {
    return new Date(date.year, date.month - 1, date.day);

  // return a number for date's month length
  getMonthLength(date) {
    return new Date(date.year, date.month, 0).getDate();

  // return a transformed digit to your locale
  transformDigit(digit) {
    return digit;

  // texts in the date picker
  nextMonth: 'Next Month',
  previousMonth: 'Previous Month',
  openMonthSelector: 'Open Month Selector',
  openYearSelector: 'Open Year Selector',
  closeMonthSelector: 'Close Month Selector',
  closeYearSelector: 'Close Year Selector',
  defaultPlaceholder: 'Select...',

  // for input range value
  from: 'from',
  to: 'to',

  // used for input value when multi dates are selected
  digitSeparator: ',',

  // if your provide -2 for example, year will be 2 digited
  yearLetterSkip: 0,

  // is your language rtl or ltr?
  isRtl: false,

const App = () => {
  const [selectedDay, setSelectedDay] = useState(null);
  return (
      locale={myCustomLocale} // custom locale object

export default App;